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5 Ways to Support Childhood Cancer Research, While Keeping Your Hair!

May 10, 2021
4 min read
Spring Fundraising is Here!

March may be the biggest month for head-shaving, but spring is the perfect time to get creative with other ways to raise money without losing your hair. Check out these 5 successful fundraisers, far from the barber chair.

Celebrate with Concerts – Most in-person music festivals are still on hold, but that didn’t stop the “Yes Way, Jose” Hero Fund! They got creative and teamed up with Mexican singer-songwriter Vicky Cabrera. Vicky, who was featured on La Voz Azteca (The Voice, in Mexico) created a 25-minute bilingual show for audiences to enjoy. The program not only showcased her amazing voice but was a way to pay tribute to the memory of honored kid Jose Andres and the importance of funding research.

Missed the show? You can catch it here: https://www.stbaldricks.org/fundraisers/ConcertToConquerKidsCancer or on the St. Baldrick’s YouTube Channel. 

Sold on Virtual Silent Auctions – Whether live or silent, auctions always bring an additional element to the main event. Auctions are a great way to involve local businesses as well as connect with independent consultants and engage with community members who may not have been involved with the cause before. Many volunteers have taken advantage of the Foundation’s partnership with the auction site, One Cause. Events like Fundraiser for Danny Boy use One Cause so bidders can watch items, strategically place maximum bids and receive alerts when they are outbid. Take your silent auction to a whole new virtual level with this tool!

Sold on the idea? Contact us at DWYWhelp@StBaldricks.org to learn more.

Take on a Physical Challenge – Physical and mental health are important 365 days a year, and spring is a great time to get in shape! Volunteers from Northport High School in New York have issued a 365 Challenge to stay involved.

Other volunteers are taking matters into their own hands after their yearly in-person athletic events have been cancelled due to the pandemic. St. Baldrick’s volunteer, John Accardo, along with others, created a virtual Bike Across America, looking to recruit at least one rider from every state. It’s open to all skill levels, and you name the time, route, and distance. The fundraiser will take place from May 2nd until June 3rd which is World Bicycle Day.

Want to join or start a new tradition? Contact us at: DWYWhelp@StBaldricks.org

Calling Content Creators – Social media is a great way to share information and raise awareness. With various platforms such as Facebook Live, TikTok and Instagram Stories, the ability to donate and support St. Baldrick’s is easier than ever.

Put your time and talent to use by creating a video for the ‘You Think That’s Hard’ initiative. The idea is simple: Film yourself doing something difficult with the tagline “You think that’s hard? Try fighting cancer as a kid!” Share it, and then tag someone else to do the same. Let’s show St. Baldrick’s honored families that we support them in more ways than one!

Ready to take action? Get set to share: https://www.stbaldricks.org/fundraisers/YouThinkThatsHard

Game for Donations – Did you know that St. Baldrick’s has its own mobile game? Thanks to the clever minds at Schick Extreme (yes, the razor company) the Shave the Day app converts players’ points into real donations to help conquer kids’ cancer.

In March, this unique game was a finalist for a Shorty Award! Shave the Day is still available to download on both iOS and Android.

Up for a game? Get it here: https://www.shavetheday.com/#Download

Spring into action and start your own fundraiser!

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